Assassin Queen by Chandra Ryan

Assassin Queen by Chandra Ryan

Author:Chandra Ryan
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub
Publisher: Hewlett-Packard Company
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Six

Lilly had lain in the bed and listened to him get dressed. At first she’d been angry. How dare he try to sneak out of her bed? But, as he stepped through the door and locked her in the room, she became curious. She’d been plotting his death for the past five minutes. Something Kirin had to know she was capable of. It left her wondering what motive he had for slipping out on her. She allowed her imagination to get the better of her for a few seconds but then flung the covers off her body and dressed as quickly as possible. He was up to something. No man would leave her bed without substantial reason. And she would only discover his by following him. It was just a matter of picking the lock and she was free.

She’d been confused as he’d made his way down the stairs and into the common room of the inn. Surely he couldn’t be meeting anyone. He didn’t know anyone. Unless he was somehow betraying her.

The thought made her sick. She didn’t want to believe the man who had just been in her bed would sell her out to her stepfather, but her life in exile had taught her not to trust anyone. And so she continued following him. He would eventually lead her to whomever he was meeting.

As they made their way through the city proper, however, she found her focus split between him and the deteriorating state of the shops and homes that surrounded her. Earlier she’d been so angry at Naresh’s betrayal that she hadn’t paid any real attention to the state of the city—of her city. If she were honest with herself, however, she’d admit she hadn’t been angry that Naresh had married another. She actually found her lack of jealousy toward the wife nothing short of amazing. It was the years she’d wasted being faithful to the man that angered her. Now that she’d worked some of that out of her system, she was free to see what was left of Crown City.

The crumbling facades and the trash that littered the alleyways and the gutters made her feel ill. Her stepfather was a self-centered, indolent ass. That he let the city fall into disrepair wasn’t surprising. But her mother had only recently fallen ill. How had she not seen this?

She shook her head. Her mother had been blind to more than just the state of her city in the recent years. Her choice in husbands was a perfect example. Still, Lilly hadn’t expected her mother to allow her kingdom to suffer. Suffer it had, though. And she hated to think about the outlying fields. If the city were in this state, the fields must be completely overgrown and underworked by now. There was going to be a lot to do once she overthrew the king.

As if the thought drew the man, she looked up to see the castle looming in front of her. She hated to admit it, but Kirin had led her to her enemy.


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